Host a pub quiz
Pump up the jam!
Our crowd-pleasing “all rounder” weekly quiz helps turn a quiet night of the week into a bustling night of trade. Over the years we’ve amassed a loyal base of social media followers: righteous quiz nerds who enjoy our brainbusting trivia week after week. With the largest social media following of any WA-based trivia outfit in town, we’re coming up with fresh content and games each week to keep them on their toes!
Each quiz is brought to you by an exceptional Bamboozled host with a flair for entertaining, a good dose of humour, and a genuine hankering to get to know the regular folks at your local watering hole.
Theme it up!
At our core, we're massive pop culture nerds who love to quiz. We get our jollies from pitting fans against fans, in epic battles of ‘who knows it best’. Host one of our popular themed events (think: all 80s, cult tv shows, etc) to bring in a whole new sector of the public into your venue. Our hosts will deliver a wicked night with fun coming out the wazoo!
Straight from the horse’s mouth
Let’s do it!
Leave your details below and we’ll get back to you in a jiffy about getting a regular quiz started in your venue